The Resolute Desk

This post will be devoted to a desk, but not any normal desk. It will be focused on the Resolute Desk. Do you still feel confused and have no idea what the heck is going on. Let’s make it clear.

This 19th century desk, which is standing in the Oval Office in the White House, is like a connection, like a link between the UK and the USA. But why?

When American vessels discovered an abandoned British ship, H.M.S. Resolute, they returned it to the Queen of England as a token of friendship and goodwill. Later, the Queen Victoria ordered to create a desk from it, and it was given as a gift to President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1880. Many presidents since Hayes have used the desk at various locations in the White House.

But it was thanks to First Lady Jackie Kennedy who had the idea, agreed to by her husband John F. Kennedy, to bring the Resolute desk into the Oval Office for the first time.

Now, when you will see this stylish desk in some photographs, or even movies or TV series, you will know much more about the history of this desk, that it's a link between the UK and the USA.
