Britain proudly calls itself “a nation of animal lovers” and the cat is over all one of the most popular and commonly kept pet within the UK. In America as well, the cat is incredibly popular as a pet, with cats finding homes with caring owners with as great a degree of regularity as cats in the UK.
Cat ownership in America is approached very differently to how things do in the UK. How people care for their cats in America and what is considered to be appropriate cat care and best for both owners and cats has some very significant differences across the pond!
In the UK, the vast majority of pet cats have free access to the outside world, or are at least allowed to go outside unsupervised for large parts of the day. In America this is extremely uncommon, and over 90% of American cats lead an indoor-only life, spending all of their time within the home and never being permitted to venture outside. In rural areas of America, outdoor cats are slightly more common, but still not the norm and usually be assumed to be lost or a stray or feral cat!
De-clawing cats is unheard of within the UK. However, in America de-clawing cats is considered to be completely normal, with up to 50% of domestic cats. This is something that is extremely hard in the UK to come to terms with, as the de-clawing process is not only incredibly painful, but completely unnecessary and performed for the convenience of the owner, not the best interests of the cat.
In the UK, it is highly unusual to bathe cats without some medical reasons. Some American cat owners, but by no means all of them, bathe their cats regularly every couple of months as standard, and feel that this is an important part of cat ownership!
All of the rehoming organisations and shelters in the UK keep their charges indefinitely until they find a home. In America, however, there are two types of rehoming shelters: No-kills, which follow the same pattern as the UK model, and “kill” shelters, where if the cat is not claimed or homed within a set period of time, they are put to sleep.
In the UK, most of owners would not consider dressing their cats! However, in America, there is a huge market for clothing and dress-up outfits for cats, and many cat owners enjoy dressing up their favourite felines!
That are the main differences between the UK and US cats' owners, and in the end some BONUS for you...
The top most popular names for cats in the U.S. are:
- Bella
- Max
- Chloe
- Oliver
- Lucy
- Charlie
- Sophie
- Lily
- Shadow
- Tiger
The top most popular cat names in the UK are:
- Poppy
- Molly
- Daisy
- Bella
- Tilly
- Millie
- Charlie
- Rosie
- Oscar
- Lilly
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